Pin-point Location:

To find us using GPS, kindly use:

403 New Street

Thorofare, New Jersey 08086


We are located in a little town called, "Thorofare", which is a part of the West Deptford Township.
Using any map, locate I-295, and find exit 20.
The West Deptford DMV (Division of Motor Vehicles) is located at this exit and is most widely used as a map-landmark.
Depending on which direction you exit 295 from (north or south), you want to turn in the direction of the DMV. When you reach the traffic signal for Route 44 (Crown Point Road), turn left. Once on Crown Point Road make your first-immediate left turn. This will be "Fowler Road." Matheson Gases and The Red Bank Inn are on each corner here.
We are located at the end of Fowler Road with our very own caul-de-sac! :-)


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On the map above, press the "Sat" (short for Satellite) button and zoom can see our Greenhouses during last Autumn!